I am Meredith Collier, the Media Relations and Communication Intern at U.S. Figure Skating. If you couldn't tell from my greeting I'm from Texas - Comfort, Texas (near San Antonio) to be exact. I'm a senior communication major and Spanish minor at Texas A&M University. Whoop!
First of all, I'd like to say check out Brandon Bodie's video blog. It's phenomenal! The Air Force vs. TCU game was the second coldest football game I've been to (Army/Navy 2007 was colder, but less wet and windy so it was actually much more pleasant)...I'm surprised we made it to half time! Go Falcons! Nevertheless, we had fun being together and watching all of the TCU fumbles--we Texans aren't used to playing football in freezing temperatures!
I have had some of the greatest experiences of my life since coming to "the Springs". (That's what the cool people in Colorado call it.) Each day here is a blessing and I

Each morning I ride to work with fellow U.S. Figure Skating intern and my favorite Minnesotan, Liz. We jam out to everything from Juanes and Mana to Colby Caillat or Lady Gaga. We take turns driving and get to work on the most beautiful end of town, just at the base of the Rockies and right next to the historic Broadmoor Hotel. Of course, during short breaks at work, we, along with Synchronized Skating intern Lauren Magliola, make each other cubicle art of our favorite skaters including our hero Johnny Weir (pictured right). I get to do some really cool stuff at work, including most of the Synchronized Skating Media Guide! My boss, Scottie is one of the funniest people I know, and I enjoy the office antics that go on between her and the rest of the Marketing and Communication Department.
Some really cool stuff I've been able to do in my first month here:
- Hike the Incline: one vertical mile of sheer terror and lung malfunction. I did this by myself one Sunday afternoon. Four other interns and I attempted this one day after work, but only made it about 50 meters due to one of Colorado's famously sudden thunder/lightning/flood storms. We were seriously dodging lightning bolts. In the words of Manitou Springs native Ian Jaray, "If you see lightning, GET OFF THE MOUNTAIN!" We didn't take those words to heart until after we heard a third crash of thunder at the same time as we saw the lightning.
- Learn judo. The U.S. Judo Team was extremely gracious in teaching us some throws and holds during Intern Assimilation Day. That is probably the best way to relieve any kind of stress. It was amazing to throw and get thrown by a World gold medalist!
- Play wheelchair basketball. Three-time Paralympic medalist Josh George showed our intern class how to play the game and refereed an entire tournament. It was so much fun to play, even though I couldn't get the ball to reach the basket for the life of me and somehow got catapulted out of my chair onto my knees and face.
- Experience cold weather. Believe it or not, it only snows about once every three years in San Antonio, and it never sticks for a full 24 hours. This semester, it has already snowed, and currently everything is frozen! For some reason I thought it was still OK to wear shorts and a polar fleece all day Saturday during freezing temperatures. I had to explain to the other interns that I've spent many a Christmas in shorts and a t-shirt.
- Go to two Air Force football games. I've adopted the Falcons as my team for the semester, despite being the sister of a Naval Academy grad. The first game we went to was a hot 85 degrees (still very mild to me). The second was 22 degrees and included a freezing mist. Both times we got t-shirts from the USAFA, thanks to intern Adam and his Air Force Academy contact, Brandon. I believe we're going to a USAFA Hockey game soon, too!

I'm still amazed that I get to be here every time I pass an Olympic/Paralympic hopeful on campus or have a fun day (which is every day) with my fellow interns. I will cherish the late-night intern gatherings in the lounge, the frequent Selena dance parties with my wonderful roommate Jayla, the daily gourmet meals in the Athlete Center, the long walks through Memorial Park, the weekly boxing lessons with fellow intern Sara, and the nights dancing at Cowboys downtown forever.
There is truly no better way to describe than the phrase we frequently see at the USOTC: "Amazing awaits." That was the first thing I saw upon arriving last month and amazing is what I've experienced ever since.
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